Highlights Extended Stay Support Scheme

The Highlights Extended Stay Support Scheme (HESSS) is an incentive for collaborations between participants to the conference and researchers working in research units reachable by train from the conference locations. The objective is to foster interactions with low carbon footprint. The mechanism is as follows:

  • Research units wanting to participate in the scheme are listed below. These units are willing to fund collaborations between highlights' participants and their members.
  • The pair of a Highlights' participant and a member of one of a listed research unit submit a proposal which takes the form of a mail containing names, period of collaboration, and a sentence describing the activity planned. It has to be sent to the HESSS contact person of the research unit.
  • The decision of acceptation is up to the research unit. It may be in particular subject to scientific scope, number or requests, or, eg, favouring distant participants.
  • The only strict rule is that the visit should be around the moment of Highlights, and no plane should be taken by the visitor between Highlights and the visit.
  • Research units interested in participating in the program should contact us through the appropriate channels on Zulip.

Participating Research Units

TCS group in Georg-August-Universität, GöttingenDistance from Kassel is about 30 minutes by train. Typical subjects of interest include word combinatorics, string algorithm, or word equations. (more info)
Contact Florin Manea.
TCS/Formal Methods group at University of KasselTypical subjects of interest include formal specification and verification; logic in CS; automata and formal languages; verification in machine learning; formal methods for learning tools. (more info)
Contact Martin Lange.
Models of Computation group at MPI-SWS in KaiserslauternDistance from Kassel is just over 3h by train, 5:30 from Paderborn. Our interests are in automata, logic, infinite-state systems, decidability, complexity, and algorithmic group theory. (more info)
Contact Georg Zetzsche.
LogiDAC group at TU Dortmund UniversityDistance from Kassel is 2h 15 by direct train, 1h from Paderborn. The group is interested in various aspects of Database Theory and Logic & Complexity, with some emphasis on constant-time parallel dynamic algorithms. (more info)
Contact Thomas Schwentick.
Theoretical Computer Science group in Leibniz Univertität HannoverDistance from Kassel is 1h15 by train, 2h from Paderborn. Typical subjects include (parameterised) complexity theory, logic in computer science (nonmonotonic and nonclassical logics), enumeration complexity, and recently neural networks. (more info)
Contact Arne Meier.
Theoretical Computer Science Group at the University of Duisburg-Essen (based in Duisburg)Distance from Kassel is 3h30 by train, 2h from Paderborn. Research areas include concurrency theory, coalgebra, graph transformation, fixpoint theory, reasoning under uncertainty. (more info)
Contact Barbara König.
TCS/Complex Systems group at the University of KasselWe mainly work on infinite-state systems, automata, complexity, and logic in computer science. (more info)
Contact Stefan Göller.
Knowledge Representation group at the University of LeipzigWe are interested in logic in computer science with an emphasis on knowledge representation, reasoning and ontologies. Leipzig is a nice place, just over 3h by train from Kassel. (more info)
Contact Carsten Lutz.
TCS/Logic group at the Ruhr University in BochumWe are happy to participate in HESSS. Our research areas include logic, complexity theory, automata theory and database theory. More specifically we are currently working on decision algorithms for logics, dynamic complexity theory, and TCS questions arising in the context of teaching support systems for TCS. The distance by train is about 3h from Kassel and 1h30m from Paderborn. (more info)
Contact Thomas Zeume.
Automating CPS Design group at TU ClausthalWe work on automata theory with applications to reactive synthesis as well as formal verification of machine-learned models. TU Clausthal is reachable from Kassel by public transportation in ~3:00h with train and bus. (more info)
Contact Rüdiger Ehlers.
